
Saturday, June 23, 2007 

Unit Ready

I think the tradition is that you would explain what the purpose of your blog is or something like that in the first post. Since I am the kind of person that will go along with tradition only so long as it makes sense or is convenient for me, I'll abide by it this time.

It was surprisingly hard to find a unique blogspot name. All of my preferred favourites, the deep and meaningful ones that people would get a shiver from just typing in the web address, were taken. You know, the kinds of words that when put together in the right way have a powerful ability to change a person, words that transcend mere language and become alive, inspiring. So, in the end I just started stringing together random words from songs or books that I had read until something finally went through. I forget what I finally picked, and it doesn't say from this screen how to access it. So, ah, I hope I got an e-mail or something when I created it so I can get back to this page some day.

Now, where was I?

Currently I am a baker for Donut King. I work from four am through til nine thirty most days Monday to Thursday, and on Fridays from three thirty am through til ten. Some times I also do an additional day shift which effectively has me working from four am until three pm. This is about to change. I had been applying for some IT jobs awhile ago, but everyone was replying with 'You don't have a degree or relevant experience.' A long time ago, I finished my diploma, and am currently studying for the degree. But I knew that, come degree graduation day, having even some small IT experience under my belt would be the difference between having to burn 6 months -> years of my life getting IT experience so I could get a 'real' job. So it was a very pleasant surprise to get a phone call on Thursday last week that was inviting me to a surprise interview the next day. I hadn't even applied for this job. So, I am very thankful to my friend William from fencing and University for recommending me. It's six month contract work, finishing up at around the same time I graduate, and also, at around the same time my lease will expire. All of the chains around my neck that are holding me back financially are slowly falling away. My crippling car debt, my computer payments, my mobile phone payments...at the start of this year it looked very frightening for me. I was living in a bad place, afraid even to leave my room to cook meals. But now I am living well, I have good friends, the things that were causing me so much stress and suffering are vanishing like...I don't want to say "It's a miracle" but it really does feel like it.

I've wanted to make a blog for awhile now, but I knew I would just rant about the things that were causing me stress in real life, and with the way this world is I knew they would get back to the people it referred to somehow, and so I didn't write. Now I have an uncertain future, but in a good way. At the start of 2008, I will be debt free for the first time since I left home in 1996. It will be the first time where I will get a paycheck and I don't have to immediately divide all of it up for bills and repayments, and call up the most urgent bill and ask for an extension so I can have enough money for food. For more than a decade I have had to live like this. So, to suddenly see this...I didn't realise just how much the pressure was until it was suddenly taken away.

So, I'm really happy.

Later I will write more about me, what I do, what I like, and the kinds of things I think about. I tend to write a great deal of text, and prune back on it when I write elsewhere, but since this is my blog I am just going to write big walls of text, like this one. I know its terribly inconsiderate, so in long posts, I'll provide a summary and possibly index. I choose not to reference my work at this time.

Okay, in order.

WoW: Congratulations! Mal is a rep grinding, soon-to-be-Dark-Iron-smelting god, and his queen (not in the legal binding way), the goddess of hurt and heal, who makes only clothes fit for gods.

Other blogs: I don't even have links in my blogs. No worries.

Donut King: I don't know the whole friendship ordeal, nor do I know what level of friendship you and Monika have (Do you ever see her out of work?), nor do I know Monika's personality. However, I do hope you can continue to be friends after you're out of that place. Also, I'm fairly certain I told you this before, but just in case I didn't: Congratulations on getting that new job. I hope you enjoy it there.

Friends: Ahh, transformers. I want to see it. Hopefully Wednsday, when it comes out.
Calypso's accent was sometimes hard to understand (possibly moreso for you because of your australian accent), but I think her accent really fit the part. Had she been speaking a normal dialect, it wouldn't have seemed as genuine.

Theater: Not much I have to say about this. I hope you do well in your parts, and I hope the shows do well. Is there anywhere over the interblag where I can see them? I've only seen the teaser for 'As You Like It'.

Closing thoughts: Take it from me, parents just don't understand.

Very awesome...........
I have also like you........
Salon Redmond

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