Tuesday, October 30, 2007 

The smallest light shines brightest in the darkest hour

Before, I said I didn't post because I had been too lazy. Well, from that moment on, I've been working as hard as I ever have in my life. I love it. What I am doing, at work and at uni, are things, real things, that are letting me flex my mental muscle. I'm building things. I'm learning stuff. I'm becoming the person I wanted to be. I'm really happy.

Some important dates:
Monday 5 November: My final assignment, ever, is due.
Saturday 10 November: Exam for Data Modelling and Database Design.
Tuesday 20 November: Exam for Computer Graphics.

Then I'm done.

Of course it's not all been fun and games. I ran out of time for my assignment because I am fail at vector maths, but the lecturer was kind enough to grant me an extension. I've had some problems with some of the people in my online community, and although it is not yet resolved the pressure has been removed so I can relax for now. I had a difficult situation with a woman who had some problem accepting no and ate up more of my time than I was willing to give her. I met up with my old boss Monika, expecting a fight but instead having a great night, and an easy peace to get the things from her that she still owed me.


Meanwhile, in the war torn future of the 41st Millenium, Rusty and I are playing our first battle of Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse. 6,300 points each, my valiant Dark Angels are holding their ground against the Blood Angel assault. Photos will be up later. At the moment it is the start of turn 3 with the battle looking decisively in my control. But at the end of turn 1 it looked like Rusty was going to win. The game is not yet done.


I don't have any great one liners or some 'wisdom' to share from this one. I've just been working hard, and the end draws near. Soon, soon, I can do all those things that I wanted to do that, that I wrote about before when I first knew that this time could come. Good friends that I didn't see enough of are waiting. Lessons that I still want to learn, are in books that I own but haven't the time to open yet.

Just a few more days.

Take care and be well.

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