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Monday, May 26, 2008 

Badger badger = new Badger()

Part of the requirements specification toolkit that I am building has a nifty little tool called 'BADGER'. The original version of it exists in another program called Tiger Pro, which you can find over here.

BADGER is an acronym that stands for 'Built-in Agent using Deterministic Grammar for the Engineering of Requirements'. TIGER itself stands for 'Tool to Ingest and Elucidate Requirements'. The theme at my company is to try to name projects after animals; so we are hoping to swap out SRET (Slim Requirements Engineering Toolkit) to something more appropriate.

One exec suggested 'LION' which fits in well with the Kenya theme of my office, but we're struggling to come up with an appropriate justification for the letters. I'm still hoping for CITA (pronounced "Cheetah") which stands of Chris Is Totally Awesome, but again, no luck in actually putting a proper meaning behind it.

Today the Badger tool is about done. You can put words in it and by some arcane magic, the words are assembled in to a requirement and plugged in to the specification. The second part of Badger is for the program to take all the words and using the rules for English grammar, automatically assemble the words in to the correct grammatical sense.

Since this requires my program to do lexical, syntactical and finally semantic analysis of the English language, and I didn't learn about nouns/adjectives/verbs etc at school, this is proving difficult.

These last few weeks have been surprisingly busy. My evenings have been action packed with various sporting things, and I am starting to really miss having evenings at home to unwind. On the other hand, the sense of achievement and actually getting things done despite (or perhaps because of) being so busy is quite refreshing.

I've recently gotten in to the MegaTokyo Mafia game, and some of the players have been scoping out my blog so I can't really talk about the current game here (since if I talk about too much it can be used as evidence to get me killed in the game). I normally avoid the MegaTokyo forums like the plague, but this is a fun little game that I can check every hour or so and see if my character is about to be killed off.

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