Monday, December 21, 2009 

Tales of the unexpected.

It is unexpected because I had lost my old blog password, and now it is found again. It's even more unexpected because I had not lost my password - I had lost my E-MAIL ADDRESS and had been trying to log in from the wrong one for...almost a year.

This fills me with unbridled joy. Unfortunately I am work, so this update will be short -

I am 30 in six months D: (So ancient)

Hello to Kimmyjo, Jenny, Bellwether, Tenebrea and Sami :) Also a howdy to Anna if she happens to come this way.

It is Christmas so I won't write much now, but look forward to the near future.

10 man ICC is done. I got a handsomecat new shield.
I currently live on Nagrand in Relic. Ah, let me get the webcrawlers to do their stuff. Ahem:

Alliance Nagrand Australia Guild Warcraft Recruiting Tank DPS Heals

We're trying to step up to 25 man content. If you came here late 2009/early 2010, please pop on over to and say howdy.

That's all for now, because I am at work and probably shouldn't be blogging...

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