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Sunday, July 6, 2008 

What light through yonder window breaks

I've been very busy with most of my spare time playing the Mafia game over at MegaTokyo.com. I have a sister blog up at http://www.llamalavalarvae.blogspot.com/ that is currently hidden to all but the authors; I'll link to it here with my role in the game and make it publically available when the game ends, somewere around Wednesday next week.

I've really missed being in an online community, I've met a lot of fun people that I'm hoping to introduce to my original group. Having a large group to play around in has given me some perspective in the previous very small community.

I haven't been playing much Warcraft lately but I will be getting back in to it when the Mafia game is done. I'm really unsatisfied with the guild I am currently playing in. When I started playing in it at the start of April there was two Karazhan runs going, we were making attempts against Gruul, and there was even a Serpentshrine Cavern run. So I'm at a loss to explain why, only three months later, they can barely scrape together enough to run a single Karazhan run, and some weekends can't even do that.

I've got a number of places that I can go to but I would prefer to go somewhere that I have friends. Ideally I want to be playing in Serpentshrine Cavern as I have been buying the SSC/Black Temple smithing recipes and at great personal cost overgeared myself from Karazhan and ZA.

End of Warcraft babble.

The other thing that has been taking up a lot of my time is that I have several different social groups and all of them want to do things on the weekend. I enjoy going out and spending time with other people however these things do overlap occasionally. If I am lucky, sometimes it's the social groups that overlap - last night I had my Golden Key friends, some of my Sarah's Group friends, and some of my dodgeball friends all in the same place.

I even met a couple of new people and helped connect them with some others. It was a fairly quiet night, although I unexpected ran in to Caroline, my ex-girlfriend from about two years back. We broke up on very good terms because in between two jobs and University, I wasn't able to dedicate enough time to a relationship. We realised this and just moved on with minimal fuss. So when we ran in to each other by surprise yesterday, we just talked and reintroduced ourselves with no problem, which was a relief for both of us, I am sure.

I am down to the last $600 of my car. This thing has been the biggest financial millstone around my neck since I started Donut King, and is 50% of the reason I was trapped there for so long. Paying it off at the end of this month will be immensely satisfying.

The last big expense I am looking at is the dentist. I went for my second-to-last set of fillings last week and they casually mentioned 'Oh yeah, we are going to have to take your wisdom teeth out'. Shit :/ I remember when Rachel had hers done she was pretty much useless for a whole week.

Work is going reasonably well, but I have been somewhat lazy. They took the SRET system to the INCOSE conference in Amsterdam and showed it to the Viatech guys to see if they wanted to buy the IP. I haven't been told what the result was, however my boss was happy with the demo and subsequently my contract will PROBABLY be extended in August, yay! They are also looking at paying for me to do Masters because I can't do some of the things they want me to do, namely, write documentation.

Oh I can write documentation, but it's not done to a certain standard, and I don't know the buzzwords and acronyms that real engineers use. It's really quite annoying, I have scientists on one side saying "Computer scientists are not real scientists" and engineers on the other saying "Software engineers are not real engineers". We're lambasted by everybody as not being 'real' because I don't get my hands dirty screwing around with a soldering iron or a tit pipette. I'm even told that when I've finished at DASI and get myself a real job, I'll be set for life. Huh? I thought what I was doing at the moment was a 'real' job?

What is real anyway? Do I have to always be pursuing goals other people set for me? My preferred goal is to sleep another half hour~

The way I've always approached the "computer science isn't actually science" comments that I've heard is to mention that when you get right down to it, all we're doing is math. Everything a computer does essentially comes down to one gigantic number, and we're the guys who calculate what that number needs to be. If we're not scientists, mathematicians aren't scientists either, and I think just about everyone in the scientific community agrees that math is the purest of the sciences. We don't approach it in the same way that mathematicians do, but what we do ends up being very similar in some ways.

The essence of science is experiment. Often when I'm coding, my processes involve running experiments to see what it is that what I've written actually does. These experiments are very easy to control, effortless to replicate, and as long as the same string of bytes is fed to a computer that interprets them the same way, they will always be consistent. That's friggin' science.

According to recent research by Ofcom, 37% of adults and 60% of teens admit to being ‘highly addicted’ to their smartphones, with users checking their smartphones on average, 34 times a day. Additionally, 51% of adults and 65% of teens use their smartphones while socializing with others, and 22% and 47% respectively, confess to answering their smartphones even while on the toilet.

‘Moodoff Day’ on February 26th asks smartphone and mobile device addicts (and those that don’t yet consider themselves such) to spend a morning without their beloved devices.

If you feel you could benefit from a morning without smartphones and mobile devices and want to encourage others to follow suit, go to www.MoodOffDay.org and pledge your support. You can even post your personal experiences of smartphone addiction or upload funny images showing smartphone addicts in action at www.facebook.com/MoodOffDay

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