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Saturday, June 30, 2007 

I broke it

It's a long post, I'm indexing it so you can skip the wall-of-text parts that completely don't interest you, and go to the wall-of-text parts that semi-interest you.

Today I am trying color coordination, although in future I will try indexing with letters and see which works better. Sorry if the colors are annoying for you. I haven't seen yet how it will clash violently with my blogs color scheme...

World of Warcraft

Other Blogs
Donut King
Closing Thoughts
Everything Else

Last night I stayed up crazy late and drank sake while I talked with Anna. Reading it back I miraculously avoided saying anything especially stupid through careful application of typing errors...that is...I think that is what was going on.

So, I made it to exalted with Argent Dawn yesterday (Warcraft stuff). I have a number of objectives for Mal; one of them is to get to exalted with Stormpike, another is to have enough honor/marks to get some of the pvp honor sets when he finally dings 70, and the last is to get exalted with Thorium Brotherhood for the crazy dark iron blacksmith plans. Another, way off in the distance plan is to get those windfury gauntlet drops from Ragnoras in Molten Core so the guild can someday go do AQ40...and that sweet windkissed one handed sword.

After Blackrock Depths today, I won't be playing as Mal except to update auctions or to tank instances, and instead focus on getting Taren up to outlands. Taren doesn't have any specific objective, because he is alchemy/herbalism and I haven't really looked at what factions are important to him. The goal is 'get more powerful so you can make better potions and transmute stuff!'. I have a whole bunch of arcane crystals that really want to be arcanite and nobody to transmute them.

It was a really good day for WoW yesterday. I went around and did the flame quests, but missed Blackrock Spire so will have to go back there later. In the early to late evening, Anna and I went through a big chunk of Stratholme together. I really enjoy playing with her, even if it is just farming motes it's an enjoyable, relaxing experience. The last time we went to Strat, I had brought along some very low level accomplices. I think we actually did better without them. We eventually pushed in to the Scarlet Bastion and had a number of very close, very hard fights, burning long cooldowns, munching down on all the pots and everything we could think of to get through. We finally got through to the Scarlet commander, but he had a number of cruel tricks up his sleeve (including aoe stuns) and so we died. When we re-entered the instance, there were respawns already, so, we decided to call it quits for the night.

Well, there is more on WoW, but I decided not to spam everything about what I do in the game so I will leave it at that for now.

I wanted to add links in my blog to show the other bloggers in our group - Chris-, GoodTodd, Paradox, and Crystal - but I can't seem to find how I added that first bunch. So, 'I broke it'. Maybe when I am more awake I will find it but in the mean time, this is a 'Sorry guys! I'm not trying to ignore you! I'm just stupid!' note.

I'm really hungry. Rusty (my brother) cooked lasagna last night. I'm going to go eat some.

Oh yes. It's good. The kitchen is a bombshell though, I will need to clean it up this morning.

I had the difficult conversation with my boss at Donut King on Friday. Basically, I am casual and legally can walk out the door with as little as an hours notice. However, even though the conditions that I work in are really poor and the pay is bad, I can't help but have feelings of loyalty to my boss and the other staff. Really, the store has been degrading since about October last year when our last casual quit and it was just Moni, Michelle and myself running the place. When Moni started working at the other store (We are at 'Citi' - spelling correct. The other store is 'castle plaza') as well as our own it should have been really obvious that it was unsustainable. What if Michelle got sick? What if Sky got sick? Someone would have to fill in for the other person and if they had unmitigatable circumstances that day (eg Sky had an exam), what then?

Fortunately for Monika this never happened, however then she went and did something really stupid. Instead of hiring more staff, she applied for an extra job - a fun one, actually, but still an irresponsible risk. So as well as working 6 am til 4 pm at Citi and Castle, she will now be working 7pm until 1 am at the Circus as an usher. She knew she would be a zombie and unable to do much of the daytime shifts, so she expected Michelle and I to do extra work during the week to cover for her. The sudden news that I was leaving on July 16 was of course a slight spanner in the works.

The responsible thing for her to do would have been to immediately look at a new baker, or to hire a manager to work at Castle so her workload would be reduced by half and she could do the bake herself, or for her to cancel the job at the Circus (which runs from June 1 to June 30) since it was something she was only doing to 'try something different'. She wants to sell the Donut King as soon as she can, apparently, but the shop isn't even on the market yet. Instead, her parents told her that they don't want her to sell the store and will instead come in and work for her. A good idea! Except for one minor detail - they are on holiday in Europe and don't return until the 18th.

I gave Monika three weeks and two days notice. It's plenty of time for her to find someone for me to train (it will take about a week) but I know why she is doing this. It is because she will be unable to find someone who will do what I do for her for the crap pay. I walked out on a former employer because of this exact situation. I wanted to help and volunteered to do extra to assist the business when things were tough, but when everything went back to normal everyone had the expectation that I would continue to work for free and the manager was surprised - even outraged - that I expected to be paid. This is a similar situation at my current work, although not quite so bad, the trend is obvious and I can see it. The work load continues to increase, the hours I work go up, and there is no extra compensation, and even attempting to negotiate causes a hissy fit and sulking from my boss. Her decision to get her parents to do the job is nothing more than a major cost saving option for her.

I am willing to train her father to do the bake, but I am not willing to throw away this awesome job that I won for her selfishness. I told her exactly what I was prepared to do. If she expects more, she will be disappointed. I took a tremendous risk in even asking for three weeks delay in starting my new job. I won't further jeapordise it by showing up as a zombie. So far she has agreed to me just doing the bake part (about two hours work) in the evenings, after I finish at Uni. So I will be a zombie baker, not a zombie scientist, which is safer as I don't need my brain to bake.

But I know how it will go. At some point she will say, "I expected you to also do xxxx!" and I will have to remain firm. I want to remain friends with her, but in my heart, I know that the 'friendship' will only exist so long as she is making money from me. The moment it's more economic to not have me there anymore, which will be when her father is trained up enough to do the baking, she will be perfectly happy to never see me again.

Probably it's better that way.

In more cheerful events, my friend Lance has organised the group of us gamers to go watch Transformers on the 14th of July. I have low expectations of it, however my younger brother - a major Transformers fan - said it was 'better than he expected' and rated it 8/10. I tend to enjoy movies even if they are bad - if I really like a movie I will go and see it twice or more with different circles of friends. I liked Pirates 3, although there were some parts where I felt a bit uncomfortable, like the treatment of Elizabeth and the Shanghai scenes. Also, note to future directors - if you are going to have a non-major character have an important plot development role, please make sure their accent is understandable. Yes, I am looking at you Calypso. WTF is she saying? Most of the time all I hear is unintelligible gibberish that the rest of the cast recoil in fear from.

Speaking of directing, I went for the next step of Schoolyard Justice yesterday, the mini film that Rodney and Lochey are working on for...ah...well, I don't actually know what it is for. I am told it is going to be part of a package that will be screened to students to help them deal with issues in school like bullying. But yesterday they also said that it will be going to different film festivals and they will put together an acting port folio for the cast. I've never seriously considered acting as a career before, mostly because I don't think I'm very good at it when compared with the other cast members in performances I have been in, but as a hobby it sure is a lot of fun. Everyone I have spoken to has always said 'You are better than you think you are' but so far I have mysteriously been unable to watch any of the recordings of our performances...my friends being tactful?

I only have a small role in this one, and the same with the other performances. I don't audition for parts because everyone except for me in this area wants the parts as a desperately needed step on their career. If they need someone, they call me, which is what happened for Lords and Ladies, As You Like it, Schoolyard Justice and will likely happen for Urban Gulf. I'm looking forward to Urban Gulf - it's a series of small sketches that make fun of everyday city life, such as signs on ATM's that say 'you may be photographed while using this machine'. In this one, a woman is withdrawing money from an atm and the camera will slowly pan out to show several cameramen taking photos of her like it is a model shoot. Well, that kind of humor really appeals to me so I want to join in.

In Schoolyard Justice, I only have a small role. Yesterday I wasn't needed, but I went along to meet the other cast and to read in for a cast member who couldn't be there. It was a good location - I wonder if I can find it on googleearth...well, first I need to download it. It's Montifiore Hill in Adelaide, the place most scenic city-esque shots are taken for tourist stuff, and a lot of weddings take part here. (The other place is the botanic gardens or Torrens river). You get a better shot of the city from Windy Point, but that is harder to get to, and the wedding limousines probably do not enjoy the twisted, wretched road up that daunting cliff face.

Today I am going to: Shower, clean kitchen, clean bedroom, do laundry, play WoW for a bit, possibly meet my mother this afternoon or evening (my family never plans anything. Friday night example: "Hi, can you meet your father at (location) in an hour and a half for dinner?" Maybe if they had called earlier, sure! But I wasn't going to ditch my evenings plans for a five minute meeting that they had just come up with. Plus it was a forty minute drive there and back each way. If it was a nice restaurant, maybe! But McDonalds? :/) and have a play with this REPAST system that I am supposed to be using at the new job. If I am really lucky, Wood will have responded to my e-mail and we can finally find out what his situation is. I really miss that plucky little gnome.

I like colors! And I read the whole thing omg.

Your progress in WoW is really impressive. Taren is a warrior? Have you decided if you're tanking again or going fury/arms for a faster levelling plan?


Alchemy levelling guide (though only up to 300) if you're interested. :) I've never used it, but it seems viable.

I tried to find the code for this template so I could help you out but my computer refused. But if you ctrl+f search your template's html for "links" I think you can find it.

I'm so happy you found your new job! Donut King is a waste of your talents and genius. *nod* Anything else on the matter I've already said. ;)

I just saw the third Pirates. Maybe I'm just good at understanding accents (doubtful, especially with my drumline hearing loss) but I could understand Calypso perfectly. And I can't wait for Transformers, if only for the pretty machines and big explosions! :P

I still haven't seen you acting in that play, Sky. This makes me a sad panda.

Dani's closing note!
♥ I'm crossing my fingers that everything is going your way. And I hope you heard from Wood, though I don't know what's going on there (likely my own fault; I've been busy with some not all together pleasant pastimes).

Maybe Ziri can come to protect Taren?

(giggle, lock protecting warrior)

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