Music and Rant
Most of the time misunderstandings between people are harmful and can get in the way of a good friendship. My experiences in this area started quite recently when I first encountered people who would deliberately withold information or change details slightly when passing on stories with the sole intent of hurting others. Somehow I had blundered through all of my life until my early twenties without encountering the highly dangerous thing called 'gossip'.
Having one person in a circle of friends who liked to lie and change details in this way is bad enough. It is easy to isolate and work out who the person is, and you can take everything they say with a 'grain of salt'. Even though you can still like the person and be friends with them, and have fun times and go places and so on, you just can't trust what they say. It's a sad feeling but you have to protect yourself. If it had of happened this way for me, probably it would have been difficult but no more so than high school.
When everyone in an area is this way it is not so fun. You start hearing your own words echoed back to you from people who weren't present for the original conversation, but TWISTED. "I don't enjoy to get up so early" becomes "Sky said he doesn't like to go to work" becomes "Sky hates working for you" becomes "Everyone tells me that you said you hate me." Compound this with some people who sincerely believe they have perfect memory, are flawless Christians or feel that it is their responsibility to mess with others affairs to 'help' them, and you result in an environment where my daily plots to destroy everything took on a more specific and a little too graphic role. It didn't help that one of these people was my girlfriend, the other was my boss, and the other was a workmate. Oh, did I mention my girlfriend was also a workmate?
However, this is not the purpose of this update; I will save this rant for another time. Living in this environment for the past five years had resulted in much of the damage that I have spent the last year undoing, and is a mighty, mighty cause for rejoicing that this dark time of my life will officially come to a close. In school, I could defeat my opposition through diligence, intelligence, or force of arms. I didn't know what to do in this kind of environment.
The reason I am writing this is because I had a conversation with Sebastian in mirc today that reminded me of something else.
On November 11, 2006 Belinda Emmett died of breast cancer. She was the wife of Rove MacManus (unfortunate last name) and one of the last things she did was compose a song for him.
Perhaps you have heard Big Girls Don't Cry before. If you have, then you know the truth of the situation. If you haven't, then I implore you to stop reading and play the music. Don't watch the video. Listen to it thinking that it was written and sung by a woman who knew she was dying, and that it was the final message she could write for her husband, something timeless that could reach out from beyond the grave to share to him the love that she had.
I am unashamed to admit that I cried when I first heard the song, knowing the reason for it's existence.
So I was naturally disappointed and embarassed when I found out not only was it not written by Belinda, but it was a rip off of an older song. The real song Belinda wrote is So I am and it has far less impact.
To cheer me up I am listening to Dragon Flame. Much like food, I enjoy many different types of music. It's a big change from when I was young and thought modern music was the tool of the Devil and that I had to avoid listening to it, avoid alcohol, sex, drugs, undesirable language and company, etc and so forth. So when I say I was practicing my 'possessed by demons' voice this morning you can see how I am a little different to how I was twenty years ago. Also, I am a little taller.
Ha, I should do some recordings and put some samples up. Or maybe not. People might get the wrong idea. Or the right idea, for the wrong reasons. ...
The start of musical corruption and slow descent into darkness was with Jeff Wayne's Musical War of the Worlds. War of the Worlds was written by the now long dead Hubert George Wells, who also wrote many other famous books that inspired movies such as The Time Machine and The Invisible Man. I think it particularly appealed to me (aside from the outer space element) because of the part of the story that detailed the Thunder Child. Another rant I will talk more about it; most people go 'Hwah?' when I try to explain how the actions of the crew of the Torpedo Ram spoke so deeply to me.
However, right now I am listening to Iron Maiden's Seventh Son - The Prophecy. Hmm, it's not as good as I remembered it. I guess my musical tastes have moved on since ten thousand years ago.
Ramble ramble ramble.
Well, I wrote a lot and still haven't got to what I wanted to talk about. It's WoW related, and WoW is down right now for maintainence, but writing even this amount has relaxed me somewhat.
I guess I should do some more work.
Having one person in a circle of friends who liked to lie and change details in this way is bad enough. It is easy to isolate and work out who the person is, and you can take everything they say with a 'grain of salt'. Even though you can still like the person and be friends with them, and have fun times and go places and so on, you just can't trust what they say. It's a sad feeling but you have to protect yourself. If it had of happened this way for me, probably it would have been difficult but no more so than high school.
When everyone in an area is this way it is not so fun. You start hearing your own words echoed back to you from people who weren't present for the original conversation, but TWISTED. "I don't enjoy to get up so early" becomes "Sky said he doesn't like to go to work" becomes "Sky hates working for you" becomes "Everyone tells me that you said you hate me." Compound this with some people who sincerely believe they have perfect memory, are flawless Christians or feel that it is their responsibility to mess with others affairs to 'help' them, and you result in an environment where my daily plots to destroy everything took on a more specific and a little too graphic role. It didn't help that one of these people was my girlfriend, the other was my boss, and the other was a workmate. Oh, did I mention my girlfriend was also a workmate?
However, this is not the purpose of this update; I will save this rant for another time. Living in this environment for the past five years had resulted in much of the damage that I have spent the last year undoing, and is a mighty, mighty cause for rejoicing that this dark time of my life will officially come to a close. In school, I could defeat my opposition through diligence, intelligence, or force of arms. I didn't know what to do in this kind of environment.
The reason I am writing this is because I had a conversation with Sebastian in mirc today that reminded me of something else.
On November 11, 2006 Belinda Emmett died of breast cancer. She was the wife of Rove MacManus (unfortunate last name) and one of the last things she did was compose a song for him.
Perhaps you have heard Big Girls Don't Cry before. If you have, then you know the truth of the situation. If you haven't, then I implore you to stop reading and play the music. Don't watch the video. Listen to it thinking that it was written and sung by a woman who knew she was dying, and that it was the final message she could write for her husband, something timeless that could reach out from beyond the grave to share to him the love that she had.
I am unashamed to admit that I cried when I first heard the song, knowing the reason for it's existence.
So I was naturally disappointed and embarassed when I found out not only was it not written by Belinda, but it was a rip off of an older song. The real song Belinda wrote is So I am and it has far less impact.
To cheer me up I am listening to Dragon Flame. Much like food, I enjoy many different types of music. It's a big change from when I was young and thought modern music was the tool of the Devil and that I had to avoid listening to it, avoid alcohol, sex, drugs, undesirable language and company, etc and so forth. So when I say I was practicing my 'possessed by demons' voice this morning you can see how I am a little different to how I was twenty years ago. Also, I am a little taller.
Ha, I should do some recordings and put some samples up. Or maybe not. People might get the wrong idea. Or the right idea, for the wrong reasons. ...
The start of musical corruption and slow descent into darkness was with Jeff Wayne's Musical War of the Worlds. War of the Worlds was written by the now long dead Hubert George Wells, who also wrote many other famous books that inspired movies such as The Time Machine and The Invisible Man. I think it particularly appealed to me (aside from the outer space element) because of the part of the story that detailed the Thunder Child. Another rant I will talk more about it; most people go 'Hwah?' when I try to explain how the actions of the crew of the Torpedo Ram spoke so deeply to me.
However, right now I am listening to Iron Maiden's Seventh Son - The Prophecy. Hmm, it's not as good as I remembered it. I guess my musical tastes have moved on since ten thousand years ago.
Ramble ramble ramble.
Well, I wrote a lot and still haven't got to what I wanted to talk about. It's WoW related, and WoW is down right now for maintainence, but writing even this amount has relaxed me somewhat.
I guess I should do some more work.
I'm glad you've progressed to liking all different types of music. I'm of the opinion that everyone can find something in a genre they like. If they disagree, they just haven't found it yet. :)
Posted by Bell | July 10, 2007 at 5:02 AM