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Monday, January 14, 2008 

Oh, it's on now.

Those little bastards.

They ate my onions. My ONIONS.

I'm putting the bugs on notice. After my assignment is done, a campaign of insect extermination will begin on a scale not seen since Starship Troopers.

The enemy are desperate and running out of hiding places. I need to scour the entire house and remove any sign of untidiness, seal away all food, clean every surface so not even a speck of resources remain for them to survive upon. Being a little cleaner is not enough; it has only shown me this vile menace exists in greater numbers than I had first imagined.

Make no mistake. This is genocide. I will burn their habitat and destroy their supplies. I will give them no place to survive or hide. I will scour them all from the face of the earth, and I will do it without pity or regret. I do not need to know their name or race. Any that stay in my abode from this Monday, will face a harsh vengeance.

Assignment: I am about 80% done and have picked up 65% of the marks so far.
Fooding: Still good for now. Have cooked dinner every night. Made some work towards lunches, too.
Gym: I really should go to the gym again Wednesday. I want to see how my assignment progress goes tonight and tomorrow first. Although the situation is looking good, I don't want to ruin it by being overzealous.
Warhammer: Notice went out today of the next Apocalypse scale game for two weeks from now, on a Saturday. It's 5000 points. It will be the first time for my new Baneblade to go to war. She won't be going alone; I'll be fielding a Leman Russ Vanquisher (aka 'Sniper tank') to help defend her against enemy armor. I may field some other Space Marine tanks with them, but lots of infantry with good officers is my usual style.
Warcraft: I saved up enough honor and marks to buy the epic shield. It's really tempting to buy it, but if I save up a little more I can get that crazy mace. If I can get a group of four more players, I can get another great shield from half an hours work, so, it's probably better to skip the shield and save for the mace still.

Ok, back to work.

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