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Wednesday, January 23, 2008 

The Golden Rule

Today was a good karma day, if you believe in that kind of thing. I absolutely do, but not in the 'every good you do will be repaid three fold' kind of thing. I enjoy doing helpful things for other people. It's kind of a left over from my time as a boy scout, and these days a lot of people automatically look for some deeper selfish motivation behind any good act. It's unfortunate, but it's very difficult for people to accept an obligation free gift these days.

Today I helped an old friend get a job. Today I helped a person who used to be my lecturer find a person she needed. Today I saved my business from losing money, an embarassing situation, and wasted time.

For some reason, people at work have the impression that I work long hard hours and am an efficient person. This is not really the case. In fact I even took Monday off >.>;; But I have been overhearing comments and people are saying encouraging things to me. It's good for my confidence, so I will try not to discourage these rumours, and also try not to let it go to my head. Even with two promotions in the future, at the moment I am still the lowest ranked person, and if I don't get my degree...well...that's bad.

So far January has been kind of bad for me. Stress, not sleeping well, some problems with friends, all added up to make a not very fun time. I stuck to my guns so far quite well. Today I recieved my first full time pay check again (I have been on half pay since holidays started) and I will be catching up on my savings. The other area (food) had been pretty good. I only bought fast food twice this whole year, when previously, I was buying it just about every day.

Well it's 1:30 am, I should sleep. If I want to bitch about not getting enough sleep, I can't expect any sympathy when it's my own fault :)

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