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Saturday, January 19, 2008 

Left Behind

I didn't want to write on my blog again until after my assignment was done. But I had a bit of a bad dream last night and I want to get it out. It was about feelings of being abandoned, of being left behind, because I took on responsibilities that the other people didn't. Because I was burdened, I was weighed down, and could not go so fast. So the other people would always move forward without me.

Without going in to big details, there was a human virus that was transmitted by radio frequency. Anybody who heard it would go insane. So, there was a nuclear war. Around me and the group, people were going crazy while driving their machines or aircraft. Thousands of people died around me. A plane dropped out of the sky next to our group and just exploded. From the wreckage I found an infant whose parents had died.

Because I was carrying the baby that they told me to leave, they left me behind. I didn't have any mothers milk. I didn't have any small, soft food to feed it with. I didn't even have food of my own that I could chew up into soft mush to give. So the result was an obvious, terrible end.

I didn't like to wake up with that horrible sense of death and failure, but I did.

Today my lecturer finally sent me an e-mail to respond to my problem.

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